Dental Implants: Everything You Need to Know

Generic dental teeth model

Like several other organs, teeth also play a significant role in our daily life. From eating food to properly forming words while we speak, teeth help us to carry out our regular tasks easily. Because of this, losing even one of them can have a large impact. Studies have shown that around 35 million people have lost all of their teeth, and 178 million are losing at least one. Although there are numerous treatment options like dentures and bridges, dental implants remain the most recommended because of their effectiveness.

Continue reading to learn more about dental implants and how they work.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are small, titanium posts that are implanted into a person’s jaw through surgical methods. It acts as a replacement for the missing tooth’s root. In addition to providing a solid base for your dental restoration, it preserves and stimulates the bone structure.

Advantages of Dental Implants

Some of the advantages of having dental implants are the following:

  • Convenience: Dental implants can help you avoid the struggles of removing dentures and the need for adhesives to keep them in place, giving you more comfort.
  • Durability: Another benefit of dental implants is their durable nature. With proper care, they can last a lifetime.
  • Better Oral Health: Unlike tooth-supported bridges, dental implants don’t require cutting down adjacent teeth. As most of your natural teeth are left unaltered, it positively affects long-term oral health. Also, the individual implants make it easier to clean between teeth.
  • Improved Speech: Improperly fitting dentures may cause teeth to slip within the mouth, making speaking difficult. Dental implants, however, can save you from the fear of teeth shifting and allow you to talk without trouble.
  • Easier to Eat: Chewing may be challenging with sliding dentures, but dental implants can work similarly to natural teeth and allow you to enjoy your favorite foods without discomfort.
  • Improved Appearance: Dental implants act as natural teeth in both appearances and feel. They also help to restore your natural jawbone structure.

Dental Implants Procedure

Although dental implants are an excellent way to replace lost teeth, not everyone would be fit to have them. Having healthy gums and adequate bone to support the implants is extremely important when it comes to getting a dental implant.

The process to insert a dental implant involves three steps:

  • The individual undergoes surgery to place the implant in the jaw and cover it with gum tissue. It is then allowed to integrate into the jawbone for a period between three to six months.
  • An abutment is attached to the implant, and gum tissue is allowed to grow around it. In some cases, both the implant and the abutment are placed at once. They both act together as an anchor for the replacement tooth.
  • Attaching the customized crown to the implant post.

After the procedure, there are several oral hygiene procedures to follow, and dentist visits are scheduled to check on the implant’s progress and fit to ensure comfort and ability.

If you’re interested in getting a dental implant, reach out to the experts at Livonia Family Smiles! Contact our team today for more information and get yourself the dental care you deserve.